This is where your life force energy will meet the feeling of full body, drool emoji, satiation
It's alive in you
All you need to do is to feed it
Give it life through experiments & explorations
Try things on
Lean in
Look closer
Then zoom out to see where the seed wants to take you next
Let your artist lead. Trust it knows how to create the art of your lifetime.
And the process it takes you on will be exactly what your Soul needs to express, to heal, to explore, to provide, to evolve
Your art is self-serving first
Otherwise it is not your true art
When & if it is ready for the world to see
It will serve many more than you could have imagined
Creating with expectation of who you will help dilutes the magic
Allow it to be what it is & for who it is for
This is not for you to pre judge
Art does not tell people who to be
It gives them a window to look through
How you interpret what you created is on you
How they interpret the view, is all theirs
Neither is right or wrong
It's all in how you see your world, how you see you in your world
Let's not get business & art confused
We create a business to be able to provide our art to others to experience
But not all things in our business is the art
We build a business with artistry & craftsmanship
Some of what we serve is our art & some is our craft
Our art is self serving first, always
It is our ever shifting & exploration of our identity
It is what we create that people do not realise they needed until they experience it
Or maybe not, it does not matter
The point of art is to express the ideas of the artist
Our craft is the skills we acquire to build what we need to bring our art into the world
Our Art & Craft dance together
And they need each other to create a business where you can easily de-commoditise your offers
Because your artistry is unlike anyone else's
This is how we create a business that requires a personal brand to bring it to life
One that feels like it is walking down its own wild road
Where your clients & customers meet an experience they haven't had before
And you leave them wondering how did you ever create this?
With the knowing that no one else connects this work for them like you do
Our art when created for self first
Can be expressed from your true vulnerability
Not the performative kind we are so used to with people crying on the Internet
But the courage to share your authenticity
Of who you be
And that is why others will be able to feel / see / hear / taste your art in ways that will feel like they have been seen & understood
Because you didn't make it about them to begin with
You shared a truth
You bared your Soul
You unleashed your weird
And THAT is what makes others feel seen & understood
You didn't presume
You connected
Feed your Artist
Bring YOUR art into this world
We are so bored of all this same sameness
All the peoples jumping on board of trend after trend
You know what being a serial jumping on a trend-er means?
You are always behind
Always running to keep up, to be relevant
Trends are fun for a minute, a moment for shits & giggles
But I don't want to build my life's work on following trends & being a version of someone else's content
ONE = I will end up looking & feeling like everyone else
TWO = it is not actually my life's work
THREE = it does not satisfy my Soul's desire to create what I am actually here to create
FEED YOUR ARTIST, the girl's gotta eat
Bring YOUR art into this world
We are so bored of all this same sameness
What is your Soul frothing at the mouth to create?
What are the quiet nudges that are poking you in your ribs?
What are the idea seeds that are begging you to plant even though you cannot tell right now what the heck it is going to grow into?
Get into the action of art-ing
This is how we FEED OUR ARTIST
This is where your life force energy will meet the feeling of full body, drool emoji, satiation.
x P x
Your Virtual Studio For Taking Your Art-ing On Creative Escapades
I created this online space for the artists of the internets to gather & create alongside each other
I desired such a place for myself but I could not find one
So I did what any Entrepreneurial Spirit does & created it myself
This space is for experimenting & exploring
To breathe life into our idea seeds to see what they are waiting to grow into
The vibe inside...
MONTHLY LIVE CALLS - every month we have 4 interactive live calls. We workshop ideas, pimp them out & prepare them so you know how to bring them to life. We work alongside each other live, there is something about being in the presence of other humans creating, actioning, art-ing in the moment that can hack our own internal motivation to start & move past the resistance to keep going. This is The Studio Effect in action. There is also space for coaching when you need it, because all artists meet self doubt with momentary blindness to our greatness & the vision.
PRIVATE COMMUNITY - connect with other artists all over the world who are just as excited to see you bring your art to us as you are. Artists know we are never in competition with each other, but we are here to inspire each other. To be the catalyst for another's greatest life's work.
BONUS MODULES - bonus modules are added when required on specific tools us artists need to add to our toolbox to help us craft our art.
JOIN THE STUDIO EFFECT Monthly Membership, no minimum time required to join. You are free to come & go as your Artist pleases.